So what is a tachograh? First lets have a look at the word itself, “tacho” comes from the Greek word takho which translates as speed or swiftness and graph which is from the word graphos which translates as writing. So Tachograph is essentially “writing speed” which...
August is National Road Victim Month. Organised by Roadpeace, the awareness month is dedicated to those who are killed or injured on our roads. Roadpeace reports that 5 people are killed everyday, and over 60 are seriously injured on our roads, which I’m...
Kevin Rooney, West of England Traffic Commissioner, has warned that haulier’s O-licences may be at risk if they are not being vigilant of defects. Speaking at the Road Transport Expo, West of England Traffic Commissioner Kevin Rooney warned that your O’ license is at...
Reducing fuel and maintenance costs can be a fast way to make savings if your fleet vehicles are regularly driven for long hours. Companies operating in the logistics and haulage industry or passenger transport will likely find that fuel and vehicle maintenance are...
Have you ever thought about your job? Not the job description or the end result, but all the hundreds or thousands of clicks, processes and bits of paper that you use every day. Sit back, think about it for a moment, it’s a lot. Office users can easily rack up over a...
In April this year in a huge positive step forward, the government announced extra funding for improvements in security, lighting and shower facilities at truck stops for drivers. The article here is suggesting that these improvements...