
2 Vans or 2000 Trucks, H-TEC Has a solution for your vehicles

Track anything any time anywhere

Live Tracking is a customer-centric solution, designed to make it simple to manage your fleet. Our system is the eyes and ears of your fleet – a complete Fleet Risk Management Solution helping you to manage assets, view status and history on the go.

We provide a complete, modular package centred around the powerful Camera Suite which collects, processes and visualises a phenomenal amount of data from inside and around vehicles.

The intelligent system presents in real-time exactly what you need to know – including via bespoke alerts, so you always have full visibility and complete control.

Find the solution that’s right for your business in minutes

In just five easy steps, our interactive product tool lets you match the right solution to your unique needs.

Our Tachograph Fatigue Management solution is equipped with fully automated EU driving hours and working time rules engine, ensuring your business is adhering to the very latest in tacho regulations at any given time. It offers 5 status lenses: all, driving, other work, rest break and POA, and visually highlights at a glance what stage your drivers are currently at. What’s more, alerts also display when infringements are made, making it quick and easy to identify any immediate actions needed.

For both HGV drivers and O-licence operators, a lack of knowledge about digital tachograph rules is unlikely to be sufficient as an excuse for non-compliance. With our solution, you’re able to quickly identify critical data points such as next break/rest requirements, time until next weekly rest, drive time for the day/week/fortnight, available extended drive and available reduced rest.

All allowing you to make decisions to allocate jobs, based on the most accurate data.

Driver Decision Support (DDS) supplies live data every 2-5 minutes showing how much driving the driver has done on the current trip; today, this week and this fortnight.

It allows you to identify how soon a driver will need to take a break or some rest, and also highlights whether your drivers are working, driving or resting at that given moment. Particularly useful for transport or logistics planners who need to deploy drivers with sufficient hours remaining.

As weekly maximum driving time can total no more than 56 hours, and a driver must take at least 45 minutes of breaks every 4.5 hours of driving unless they take a rest period, this leaves fleets asking the question: how can I make my business as productive as possible?

Our tachograph fatigue management solution pulls all of that data, for all of your drivers, at any given time, into one easy to view lens. Now, you’re able to pull critical driver data in an instant, saving you time and allowing you to quickly react to any productivity challenges. 

Live Maps

With multiple maps and different layer options all in high-resolution with smart clustering and detail on demand provide a simple yet powerful tool to view the real-time activity and current status of all your vehicles, workers and mobile equipment no matter where they are.

View a vehicles / assets location live on the map, click the icon to see live device status.

Multiple maps and differet layer options all in high-resolution.

Real-time activity and current status of all your vehicles.

Extensive Reporting

Build reports in your live tracking software that automate data cpture for accounting, payroll, training, and compliance teams.Within the Live Tracking Platform everything is interactive and visualised, but of course all data can be easily extracted in static reports.
All reports can be exported as PDF, CSV or XML. You can easily create reports and schedule repeating reports. With this option you or your employees receive the reports right in your inbox at the moment of your choice.

Automate Tachograph reporting to reduce human error and keep drivers safe.

Sync, log, and store data securely in the cloud to simplify audits.


Geo-fences are virtual geographic boundaries which you can draw on the map to get notified whenever a tracker breaches that zone. Setting up a geo-fence zone takes only a few seconds and you can opt for on screen, email, sms and mobile notifications. Geofence zones allow businesses to easily record the time spent on or off the jobs, the stored time-location data can be used as proof of on-site customer service.

Enhanced productivity

More detailed insights through data

Protection against theft

Historical Journey’s & Events

Keep your business growing and stay on the road with our maintenance and fuel management modules. Reduce equipment downtime and save money with real-time engine diagnostics, fuel usage monitoring and idling reports. Always have the tools you need to effectively manage your maintenance and fuel costs at your fingertips.

Monitor idling and excessive fuel burn with easy-to-read reports and alerts.

Receive instant alerts on driver behaviour, fuel usage, and maintenance issues.

Schedule recurring preventative maintenance and track fuel purchases to ensure your fleet is cost-effective.

Business Intelligence

Bring your business data to life with powerful insights to make informed decisions. Visualise your fleet and asset performance in a way that makes sense for your business. Access information securely with customisable dashboards, reports, and real-time alerts.

Track your organisation’s most critical KPIs in one simple view.

Build your own reports with data you need, set goals, and measure performance.


Customise alerts to react quickly to critical situations.

Track anything, anytime, anywhere.

Our apps are built from scratch, specifically designed to be easy and functional for when you are on the go. Our apps are built from listening to our customers to truly understand the challenges they face and craft our mobile apps to help make monitoring their fleets and assets the easy part of running their business.

Written in a native script our fleet tracking apps run fast in popular mobile operating systems including Apple IOS (iphones and ipads) and Google Android.


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Here are some of the key features Live Tracking offers

Live Tracking

Sub Accounts

Custom Reports

Live Tachograph Data

Cloud Based

prompt Alerts

Route History

Tachograph Downloads

Powerful Apps

Scheduled Reports

Driver ID

Lone Worker

Fuel Monitoring

Temperature Monitoring

Engine Diagnostics


Get started with H-TEC

Book an online demo with one of our experts for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Love your lorries, protect your drivers

Connected camera solutions and much more for the complete visibility needed by today’s HGV operator. The eyes and ears of your fleet, helping you improve safety.

Dedicated Van solutions

Whether your business is deliveries or decorating, improve safety and efficiency across your vehicles and drivers with H-TEC.

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We’re all ears

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