Class 6.2 Vehicle & Driver ADR Kit
ADR Kit • Complies With ADR 2009 Regulations • Convenient Kit Bag
Contains everything for a driver transporting medical/clinical waste needed to comply with ADR 2009 regulations. Contained in a convenient kit bag with the words ‘ADR KIT’ clearly marked on both sides for quick identification.
With this kit on board you can have full confidence that if stopped by VOSA or the police you will be able to demonstrate your 100% compliance with ADR. This kit is known and easily recognised by officials meaning that any roadside checks or audits can be carried out quickly and with minimal hassle. In the event of an incident with this resource to hand an ADR-trained driver can deal efficiently and professionally with the situation while protecting themselves from harm or injury.
Class 6.2 Infectious Substances Vehicle & Driver ADR Kit
- 1 x Gloves (14″ size 10.5)
- 2 x 500ml Eyewash
- 1 x Goggles
- 2 x Hazard Warning Triangles
- 1 x Hi-Vis Waistcoat
- 1 x First Aid Kit
- 1 x ATEX Safety Torch
- 1 x Pair of D Cell Batteries
- 1 x ADR Kit Bag 80 litre, printed with ‘ADR KIT’
- 1 x Small Wheel Chock
- 1 x Bio Hazard Kit
- 1 x Chemical Apron
- 1 x Instructions in Writing – Laminated
In addition to these items, depending on the size of the vehicle, you may also need to carry other items such as wheel chocks, fire extinguishers and vehicle signage.
Kit should be checked periodically to ensure that perishable or use-by dated items are replaced when needed.