
So what is a tachograh?

First lets have a look at the word itself, “tacho” comes from the Greek word takho which translates as speed or swiftness and graph which is from the word graphos which translates as writing.

So Tachograph is essentially “writing speed” which is pretty much what they do, they write down your speed, but they also do a lot more:

Tachographs also record driving time, speed and distance travelled meaning they are essential (and a legal requirement) for ensuring drivers follow the rules for driver hours as seen here

They come in 2 distinct flavours as well, analogue and digital – analogue are the old fashioned manual paper card that sit in s epical holder in the dash, the more modern digital tachographs offer real time data of your drivers and other reporting which is much easier to manage.

In 2020, the laws on tachographs and recording driver data changed meaning that drivers have to record not just driving hours but other work, rest and relaxation and even sick leave! And these have to be recorded using one of three legally recognised methods: A tachograph chart, a digital device printout or a drivers digi-card.

From January 2022 however these are being looked at more vigorously by the DVSA and these are being looked at with more scrutiny both at the roadside and when investigating vehicle operators. These changes have been done quite stealthily but what does it mean for you:

  • Tachographs are required for all drivers covering 28 days, these ned to be able to be produced at the roadside.
  • Tachographs need to have 28 days of data including rest days, holidays, sick days.
  • All Data needs to be in one of the three formats that are legally acceptable: Tachograph Chart, Digital Device Printout or Drivers Digi-Card.

Employers of drivers need to ensure that these above points are adhered to using appropriate monitoring, driver management and analysis of driver data, which is not an easy task unless you have a good driver management system in place.

A good digital tachograph system can take care of all of the above, provide reporting (in real time!) for all your drivers and help navigate the legislation with relative ease, why not take a look at our digital tachograph system or give us a call for a chat.

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