Book Training Courses

Book open courses

We’re dedicated to providing the best possible customer experience. We want all of our customers to use their Fleet Management Technology to its full potential.

Should there not be a date that suites you, not to worry!
Have a chat with us today on 01530 249030 or email, and we will be able to provide you with additional dates.
If you have a fleet of drivers to train or have specific locational requirements, then please contact us directly. We will aim to respond as quickly as possible, assisting you with your group booking.

Any questions?

We’re all ears

Not sure of something, want a direct answer to your specific question, if so, let us know and we’ll happily help.


We have a great range of resources which will further highlight how H-TEC can positively impact your business

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Find out all the latest news and updates on our blogs & news pages

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