Driver CPC Training
Periodic Driver CPC Training
All professional drivers have to complete what is known as “DCPC periodic training” which is 35 hours of periodic training every 5 years. Training providers must be approved by JAUPT (Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training) to deliver the training and have to follow scrupulous rules on how we deliver the course and record the training we provide.
H-TEC’s Driver CPC Courses focus on improving your skills and knowledge, increasing safety but most importantly ensure compliance with the most up to date legislation.
Driver CPC Training modules include:
Driver Welfare Customer Care and Security
Drivers Hours’ Working Time and Record Keeping
First Aid in the Workplace
Health and Safety and Safe Loading
Traffic Law Incidents and Vulnerable Road Users
Important Information
The DVSA are now clamping down on drivers who repeat the same CPC module in a 5 year period.
The move follows a review of the Driver CPC directive by the EU commission, which now states that “a range of different subjects should be covered over the 35 hours”.
The DVSA and JAUPT will take action against any driver that is found to repeat the same periodic training subjects as part of the Driver CPC.
The enforcement agency and the accreditation service said they had started monitoring training provider uploads and driver records and could revoke a driver qualification card (DQC) if they find that the rules have been broken.
When you book with us please ensure you are booking a module that you have not already completed in this 5 year period.
Not looking for Driver CPC?
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